Candva nu imi imaginam cat de mult imi мa placea acest gen de fotografie, fotografia de familie. Acum insa nu imi imaginez cum ar fi fara sa fotografiez emotiile astea, emotii pure, simple, aproape obisnuite si atat de uitate de o buna parte a societatii noastre.
miercuri, 28 iulie 2010
Let there be love!
a zis Rodica Dumbraveanu la miercuri, iulie 28, 2010 1 comententarii
tags copii, familie, fotografie, iubiri de vise, nikoneta
vineri, 2 iulie 2010
Milena, un mic pui de omulet, cu ochi mari, senini, care te vrajesc din prima :).
Pe Milena o mai puteti gasi si aici? iar aici inimioara ei.
Si o noutate pentru mine, am incercat sa fac asa ceva pentru prima data, sper sa va placa. L-am facut cu mult suflet. Un mare multumesc lui Igor Schimbator.
a zis Rodica Dumbraveanu la vineri, iulie 02, 2010 0 comententarii
tags copii, fotografie, nikoneta
They say about me:
"Can you believe that love for art and beauty is able to drive people kilometers away, from North to South? Well, so it is. Rodica Dumbrăveanu is a young ambitious artist who comes from Balţi, Moldova, to study architecture. As God endowed her with a special talent in the art of photography, she accepted this gift and made proficiency in the domain. It is not a secret that Rodica won several photo contests. And here she is, at the exhibition dedicated to the International Baby-wearing Week. Once more, her works demonstrate the author’s highly-developed feeling for space and graphics location. Rodica’s wonderful profound pictures hint to her different world vision, which is possible only for a fine psychologist, a kind-hearted person, a skilled artist. "La distanţa unui pupic..." — “Close enough to kiss…” will astonish you by the extraordinary presentation of the unique moments happening in the mother-and-child intimacy. Such moments as these revealed by Rodica will help you to see the world otherwise, in a special unrepeatable way."