Cate imi spune cuvantul asta! De parca ar fi trecut veacuri. Imi aduce aminte de Odissey of the Mind.
Dar nu d/e asta vroiam sa scriu, vroiam sa scriu d/e seara de ieri. Cu gandul la un concurs, incercam sa fac brainstorming. La inceput singurica, iar mai tarziu impreuna cu un amic pe mess.
Cuvintele cheie au fost stiinta si suflet, nu credeam ca o sa-mi pot reveni la nivelu' ala de brainstorming pe care il avea pe timpuri, cand de la un simplu cuvant, imi veneau furtuni de idei, pe care nu reuseam sa le prind de coada.
Ieri, cand faceam treaba asta, tocmai din motivu' de a nu uita, de a scapa cumva v-o idee, am hotarat sa desenez pe o foaie fiecare idee...In final am ajuns la 8 idei (generale, importante), poate nu ft originale, dar care abia astept sa le aplic in "realitate". Probabil azi seara/maine/poimaine va avea loc acest lucru, sper, cel putin.
Iar maine e zi de ambasada. Interesant cum e sa stai sa astepti sa primesti viza pentru a intra in propria-ti tara..
eh..."dulce Romanie"...maine voi afla...
luni, 28 aprilie 2008
a zis Rodica Dumbraveanu la luni, aprilie 28, 2008
tags d/e alea, idei, iubiri de vise
They say about me:
"Can you believe that love for art and beauty is able to drive people kilometers away, from North to South? Well, so it is. Rodica Dumbrăveanu is a young ambitious artist who comes from Balţi, Moldova, to study architecture. As God endowed her with a special talent in the art of photography, she accepted this gift and made proficiency in the domain. It is not a secret that Rodica won several photo contests. And here she is, at the exhibition dedicated to the International Baby-wearing Week. Once more, her works demonstrate the author’s highly-developed feeling for space and graphics location. Rodica’s wonderful profound pictures hint to her different world vision, which is possible only for a fine psychologist, a kind-hearted person, a skilled artist. "La distanţa unui pupic..." — “Close enough to kiss…” will astonish you by the extraordinary presentation of the unique moments happening in the mother-and-child intimacy. Such moments as these revealed by Rodica will help you to see the world otherwise, in a special unrepeatable way."
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