marți, 9 septembrie 2008

Cand circarii nu au casa

Circul din Chisinau se afla in reparatie... Intr-un soi de reparatie continua, nu mai tiu minte exact, eram in clasele primare si unica amintire legata de circul din Chisinau, a fost grandoare constructiei si luminitile de acolo.

Acum, circul arata ca o epava frumoasa.. Si la exterior, dar mai cu seama in interior. Si cu toate astea e o atmosfera aparte, foarte trista, dar excelenta prin prisma umbrelor si luminilor.
Am avut posibilitatea de a fotografia acolo, despre cum, poate in alt post, acuma as vrea ca imaginile sa vorbeasca de la sine.
Berbecii circului Doamna T Diagonala
Ferestre...termopan... One man show part two A patrunde Inca mai asteapta One man show Aplauzele pustiind...

Va mai urma..

3 comententarii:

Nadia Melinti spunea...

Eh.. mi-e dor şi mie de circ

Jeka spunea...

unica data la circ am fost in clasa 5-6.. asa mi s-a parut de frumos, si enorm, si aglomerat...
acum e atyt de pustiu(((

Rodica Dumbraveanu spunea...

da...Acuma e o alta atmosfera acolo, atipica unui circ...dar foarte frumoasa atmosfera pentru a fotografia..pentr a te simti prafuit acolo..

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They say about me:

"Can you believe that love for art and beauty is able to drive people kilometers away, from North to South? Well, so it is. Rodica Dumbrăveanu is a young ambitious artist who comes from Balţi, Moldova, to study architecture. As God endowed her with a special talent in the art of photography, she accepted this gift and made proficiency in the domain. It is not a secret that Rodica won several photo contests. And here she is, at the exhibition dedicated to the International Baby-wearing Week. Once more, her works demonstrate the author’s highly-developed feeling for space and graphics location. Rodica’s wonderful profound pictures hint to her different world vision, which is possible only for a fine psychologist, a kind-hearted person, a skilled artist. "La distanţa unui pupic..." — “Close enough to kiss…” will astonish you by the extraordinary presentation of the unique moments happening in the mother-and-child intimacy. Such moments as these revealed by Rodica will help you to see the world otherwise, in a special unrepeatable way."


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